1. Never change things up on race day. Advice I give to other runners and didn't take myself. For example, I trained with Jelly Belly Sport Beans and had them with me on race day. But out on the course, they had gummy bears. Easy. I'll just grab them and eat them. Note: Sport Beans and gummy bears are SO not the same thing.
2. You can keep going even when you really, really don't want to. When giving up is so very tempting, when you're 21 miles in, there is no other option but to keep going.
3. There is no such thing as too many porta-potties on the race course.
4. You really learn a lot about yourself when you're running 18-20 miles at a time. Just you and the road.
I hoped over from Another Mother Runner. I will be running my first 26.2 in Portland!! And I am from Kansas, a runner since Jan 2011 after never having been athletic. And I really am hooked.